Power Sequence Controller
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Power Sequence Controller


Time:2018/9/17 15:41:33

8 channels center-control power sequence
Features of product:
(1)Black drawing-design panel with the size of 1.5U, which strengthens its sense of technology.
(2)8 channels power sequence control, the delay time for each channel is 1 second.
(3)Making use of high-quality 30A relay and 13A anaerobic phosphorus copper. The total power of 8 channels is 6500W.
(4)General-use socket for each channel's output AC220V(13A), which is suitable for various kinds of plug. Durable and handy controlling switch.
(5)With external control 232 interface and cascade 485 control. This device can connect with computer and be controlled by software. It can also use center control by sending code through gorge. The cascade number is 20 devices.
(6)3-inch LCD screen that can mannifest the voltage.
(7)Built-in 20A multilevel anti-electromagnetic interference filter is used to purify the system power. Interference signal from fluorescent lamp, light moldulator or wireless transmitter would infiltrate into audio, video or controlling system. The filter can largely expurgate this kind of electromagnetic interference so as to ensure the working stability and performance of system.

(8)Size: 485mm x245mm x65mm    Weight :4.2KG

X5 Electronic Technology Co., Ltd   Tel: 0750-7715602   Fax: 0750-7715602 Postcode: 529400  Address: 2nd Floor, A District, Pingshi Industrial Park, Enping City, Guangdong Province, China Powered by:www.chuge8.com