Professional digital processor
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Professional digital processor
Mixing console
Power Amplifier
Professional Audio Processor
Custom series
Power Sequence Controller


Time:2024/8/26 18:58:40

Features and functions:
The RS485 port of the network port can be connected in series using a network cable (up to 250 units can be connected). Then, select the RS485 port of any machine and connect it to a computer using a USB cable or a 232 to 485 cable to remotely control all connected machines, with a maximum distance of over 1500m.
96KHZ sampling frequency, 32-bit DSP processor, 24 bit A/D and D/A conversion
Maximum delay of 340 meters
X5 Electronic Technology Co., Ltd   Tel: 0750-7715602   Fax: 0750-7715602 Postcode: 529400  Address: 2nd Floor, A District, Pingshi Industrial Park, Enping City, Guangdong Province, China Powered by:www.chuge8.com