Mixing console
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Mixing console
Power Amplifier
Professional Audio Processor
Custom series
Power Sequence Controller


Time:2022/12/14 17:36:24

●Built in 99 Kinds of DSP effects (96KHz / 24bt) (display 1-99),                                                                                              ●supporting effect fine adjustment.                                                                                                                                      ●Built in 4.0 Bluetooth player (controllable) digital time track display, channel effect, adjustable level, 60mm high-precision push-pull potentiometer (output).                                                           

●Mic channel supports 1 key to eliminate the ultra-low frequency (80Hz) signal.                                                                        ●Mic channel supports 1 key to attenuate the signal (used for high-level input) independent channel                                          ●phantom power switch                                                                                                                                                    3-color 5 * 2 LED high-precision output monitoring indicator.

X5 Electronic Technology Co., Ltd   Tel: 0750-7715602   Fax: 0750-7715602 Postcode: 529400  Address: 2nd Floor, A District, Pingshi Industrial Park, Enping City, Guangdong Province, China Powered by:www.chuge8.com